Natalia & Bryan

Natalia & Bryan

We absolutely loved working with Shelia. When choosing a doula, we were looking for someone who was not only experienced and friendly, but also interpersonally skilled and sensitive enough to support us through an emotionally complex labor and birth of our second child after the recent passing of our toddler son.

She was very open and committed to helping us realize our birth plan, while also helping us to adapt to things that did not go as planned. When my epidural malfunctioned and did not provide pain relief for almost two hours after placement of the catheter, Shelia kept me grounded and helped me cope through very intense contractions. At one point, her voice and her touch were the only things I could tolerate; she was the perfect combination of gentle, calm, steady, and encouraging. When I felt weak and out of control, she helped me find my center and emerge feeling strong and empowered. Shelia often intuitively knew what I needed and also left plenty of room for me to assert my preferences and requests.

Soon after the birth, Shelia sent us the most incredible, professional-looking photos of the labor and delivery, in addition to writing up the loveliest birth story. We are so immensely grateful to her for a most perfect labor and birth experience!

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